Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Few Basic Measures Maintained As Part of the Infection Control Policy

The workers of National Health Services in England need to follow all the directives mentioned in the National Infection Prevention Control Manual, for checking the spread of any infection among patients whom they are handling regularly.  The most important chapter of this manual is its first chapter, which is named as Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICP) Policy that deals effectively with the infection control policy, and all its points are sincerely followed by all the NHS staffs.  The second chapter of this manual is titled as Transmission Based Precautions, which deals with the necessary precautions while dealing with transmittable diseases.  

Main constituents of the Standard Infection Control Policy

  • The hygienic placement of patients in their rooms and in their beds.
  •  The hygienic cleansing procedures of hands while handling patients, mainly with germ-killing soap and water, along with antiseptic lotion.
  • The normal respiratory hygiene and some etiquette regarding coughing and sneezing in the presence of patients.
  • Taking care of the personal protective equipment that are used in the medical treatment of patients.
  • Hygienic management of all the personal care equipment, which are used daily by patients and their care takers, mainly in case of infectious diseases. 
  • Adequate arrangements to keep the environment free from all kinds of pollution and infections, mainly in the rooms of patients.
  • Checking about the regular hygienic cleansing of the bed linen of patients, as well as the other furnishings surrounding the patient that are often touched by him/her.
  • All the blood or any other body fluid of patients, like mucous, sweat or saliva should be handled and disposed very carefully, to prevent any infection from the patient to others around him/her.
  • Similarly all the waste products of the patient needs to be disposed, following all the safety norms mentioned in the SICP.

Hence, the NHS workers need to be well trained for taking all these safety measures, and in preventing all types of infections. Also, the social health-care service providers should be aware of these infection control measures. All the healthcare workers should be immunized against all infections, to save them from all kinds of trouble later.

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